Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Misc Video's

Samuel "talking" to his Grandma

My twirling fairies @ the fair

Madeline the homerun hitter - sort of

Tuesday, July 29, 2008


Joanna has decided to go for the record at our pediatricians office. The contest: who can throw the biggest fit over getting a shot. She needed 2 more shots to round out her 5 year doses and it took 3 of us holding her down while she screamed "Not the pokey thing!". I dread that she needs one more before we go to India - that is scheduled for next month.

Samuel is a very healthy 2 month old with a bad case of cradle cap. He weighed 12 lbs 12 oz and is 24 inches long. That puts him in the 80th and 70th percentiles for height and weight. He was fussy because he got woke up from his nap and didn't like being naked - but other than that was pretty good through the 3 shots he got. MUCH better than his older sister.

Check out the July slideshow for more pictures of our county fair and Sam trying to hold his head up.


Friday, July 18, 2008

We have accepted the contract - sort of

Scott accepted the contract in principle - but we still have details to work out. So far our questions are being answered the way we expected.

Samuel's passport is being processed and we hope to have it next week.

I am starting to buy some things that we need/want for India and packing up some stuff while we are gone.


The Fair

So while my sister is posting pictures of her trip to paradise on her blog (

I'm posting pictures of:

That's right - PIGS! I think I'd rather have paradise!

We went to the fair this week and the girls enjoyed pigs, horses, cows, goats, sheep, rabbits, chicks, and a whole host of other animals. Oh and we can't forget the overpriced rides and food as well. But the free face painting made up for it - I think. Check out the pictures in our July slideshow - updates as I get more pictures!


Tuesday, July 15, 2008

India Update

Not much is new but thought I'd share what's happening.

I had my 6 week post-partum checkup last week and that was the final hurdle Scott was waiting for. We are submitting the paperwork for Sam's passport tomorrow - with a week turnaround time (the company is expediting it). We will hopefully be getting some answers to our questions about the contract and will sign it soon.


Tuesday, July 8, 2008

July 7th - Our first day of School

One of the advantages to homeschooling is the freedom to start whenever I want. This is the 2nd year that we have started the week after the 4th of July. Joanna completed her first day of First Grade. Her favorite thing was being a scientist and discovering things using her 5 senses. Madeline had her first day of school ever and did K4. She was delighted just to finally be doing school like her big sister. She learned about chipmunks, especially Chester the main character of her class.

Samuel was fairly cooperative and slept most of the time- a relief to the mom/teacher.


Fourth of July Weekend

I have no pictures but thought I would post an update on my week and weekend.

On Sunday 6/29 Scott left for a 5 day business trip to Calgary Canada. I was nervous about being on my own with 3 kids - but it wasn't too bad. I had a friends pre-teen daughter come Mon, Tue, and Wed afternoons to help with the girls. On Wednesday the girls spent the night with their Aunt Emily and Thursday was the annual Aunt Zoo trip. While they were gone I was tending to a fussy Samuel, cleaning up the house for company and then picked Scott up from the airport. That night we had dinner @ my mother-in-law's house and met up with the girls. We walk in with a sleeping baby and set the car seat down. Joanna immediately starts poking him/playing with him. Before I can finish admonishing her to stop because she is going to wake him up - she announces with glee "Look mom, he's awake!" So goes life with a 5 year old and a newborn. Madeline isn't quite as enthralled, but she still manages to get her share of bugging her brother in.

On Friday we had friends come from Dayton, OH to celebrate the 4th with. They have daughters the same age as Joanna and Madeline. The girls were so excited to have their friends come and Scott and I were excited as well. We spent a quiet afternoon napping with all the kids - amazing even Joanna managed to sleep. After dinner we headed out to see the fireworks. Madeline has finally gotten over her fear of them and enjoyed herself. If you ever want to have a true appreciation of fireworks - take Joanna with you. She spent the whole evening doing a running commentary of each one. Words such as:

Humongous - which means really huge
Mushrooms - the shape
Trees - shaped fireworks
gimantic - which is Joanna speak for big

Saturday afternoon our guests left and I spent the rest of the day getting ready for school to begin on Monday.

On Sunday we had lunch at Scott's mom's and then that evening we gathered with a small group from our church for dinner. It was an enjoyable time fellowshipping in a small group.

I hope everyone else had a fun and safe holiday. Leave me a comment and let me know how yours was :)
