Tuesday, July 29, 2008


Joanna has decided to go for the record at our pediatricians office. The contest: who can throw the biggest fit over getting a shot. She needed 2 more shots to round out her 5 year doses and it took 3 of us holding her down while she screamed "Not the pokey thing!". I dread that she needs one more before we go to India - that is scheduled for next month.

Samuel is a very healthy 2 month old with a bad case of cradle cap. He weighed 12 lbs 12 oz and is 24 inches long. That puts him in the 80th and 70th percentiles for height and weight. He was fussy because he got woke up from his nap and didn't like being naked - but other than that was pretty good through the 3 shots he got. MUCH better than his older sister.

Check out the July slideshow for more pictures of our county fair and Sam trying to hold his head up.


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